Think PAXLOVID is right for you? Follow these steps:

Know if you are at high risk for progression to severe COVID‑19
Your risk of getting severely ill with COVID‑19 is increased by many health conditions, lifestyle factors, disabilities, and more. Some of the more common high-risk factors include:
- Age of 50+ years
- Certain health conditions and diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes
- Being overweight or obese
- Mental health conditions
- Lifestyle factors, such as smoking
- Physical, mental, and developmental disabilities

As soon as you notice symptoms of COVID‑19, reach out to your healthcare professional. They may test you for COVID‑19
Symptoms may include, but are not limited to:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Testing is important. Need help finding a test?

Work with your healthcare professional to get prescribed PAXLOVID, if appropriate
Once you fill your prescription, start taking PAXLOVID that morning or evening, or at the time your healthcare professional recommends. Remember, PAXLOVID must be started within the first 5 days of COVID‑19 symptoms.
Don’t have or can’t connect with a healthcare professional? PAXLOVID can also be prescribed at a Test to Treat site,* by urgent care providers and state-licensed pharmacists,† or by a telehealth provider. These resources may help.
*By clicking this link, you will be redirected to a website that is neither owned nor controlled by Pfizer. Pfizer is not responsible for the content or services of this site.
†Your pharmacist will need to know all the prescription and over-the-counter medications you take and review your medical records from the last year, including laboratory blood work results. You can print these records, send them electronically, or ask your regular physician’s office to send them directly to the pharmacy.

Get ready to talk to your healthcare professional about PAXLOVID.
Find a COVID‑19 test
Testing for COVID‑19 can help your healthcare professional diagnose you. These links or your healthcare professional can help you find testing. Any FDA-authorized COVID‑19 test can be used, including at-home tests.
- Test to Treat‡ is a government initiative that offers one-stop testing and treatment for COVID‑19 (if appropriate). Locations are available nationwide
-‡ is a government-sponsored resource that can help you find free testing options, information about insurance reimbursement for testing, and more
- Abbott‡ is a producer of at-home tests, and offers tools to help you find a test kit locally or online
- Quidel‡ is a producer of at-home tests that are available at many local and online retailers
This is not an exhaustive list of COVID‑19 testing options. Pfizer does not own or operate any of the listed websites, or the products that they furnish, and Pfizer accepts no responsibility or liability for them.
‡By clicking this link, you will be redirected to a website that is neither owned nor controlled by Pfizer. Pfizer is not responsible for the content or services of this site.
Connect with a healthcare professional via telehealth
If you have mild-to-moderate COVID‑19 symptoms, think you have COVID‑19, and are at high risk, it’s important to reach out to your healthcare professional immediately. If you don’t have a healthcare professional or your healthcare professional isn’t available, the resources below may help you connect with a telehealth provider.§
If you select a telehealth option from the list below, you will be connected with a healthcare professional by phone, chat, or video.
Depending on the telehealth platform chosen, you may need to create a login, answer questions about yourself and your health, and/or pay a fee.§
§Telehealth vendors were selected based on their ability to provide services via telehealth. By clicking any of the links, you will be redirected to a third-party website. Pfizer does not own, operate, or endorse any telehealth platforms, or the services they or their providers may furnish, and Pfizer accepts no responsibility or liability for them. Neither the providers nor the platforms pay a fee to Pfizer for inclusion on this website. How a particular provider is matched by a telehealth platform to a patient is determined by the criteria set by the platform and/or provider, not Pfizer. All treatment decisions are at the sole discretion of the provider based on the patient’s individual needs and risk-benefit profile.
||By clicking this link, you will be redirected to a landing page that is owned and controlled by a third party, Ada Health Inc. Pfizer Inc. has contracted with Ada Health Inc. for the development, hosting, and operation of this landing page.